End the Year Right! And start the New Year with a Bang!! That's how I like it, and this year is no different. We light up fire crackers, spend the night with family, then do a countdown to the new year! More often than not just watching the television light up with all the firecrackers at exactly 12 midnight, cause it can be quite toxic when you're out there if you know what I mean. But there is one special addition to this year's "Medya Noche".
A good friend and fellow foodie Irene, gave us a minicake. Not just any minicake, it's her signature Queso de Bola Cheesecake! Do you love cheese? Then you will fall head over heels with this one. Can you just imagine, the best cheesecake mix made of only choice ingredients top it up with only the best queso de bola there is. And what do you have? Cheese heaven!!
Just look at that lovely cheesecake... ahhh!!! Can't hold myself any longer!
I remember the first time I took a bite at Irene's Queso de Bola cheesecake, we were quite a bunch and as soon as I wanted second servings the whole cheesecake was gone, I was too slow. Just look at how thick and creamy it looks, trust me it tastes so much better than any other cheesecake in town. That's why it has always been my habit to first get my share of Irene's Queso de Bola cheesecake whenever The Food Club visits her place, before diving into other dishes... bad me hahaha.
Anyways, I am so glad to share to you guys that Irene is now selling her signature Queso de Bola Cheesecake. All Cheese for the price of only P900 for a 9" cake, and P200 for her minicake (4.5") with a minimum of 4 minicakes per order. It's always refreshing to have something new to partake this Medya Noche, and this year make it Irene's Queso de Bola Cheesecake.
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